Home Today A Cornucopia of Container Queries

A Cornucopia of Container Queries

A Cornucopia of Container Queries

I don’t know about y’all, but my feeds have been flooded with articles about CSS Container Queries these past few weeks. The buzz about container queries actually started back in December after Miriam Suzanne posted a proposal (picking up on David Baron’s proposal) but it was news in a late-March tweet from Una Kravets that they dropped in Chrome Canary 91.0.4459.0 behind the #enable-container-queries flag in chrome://flags.

So much about container queries has already been covered in so many places in such a short amount of time — and the specification isn’t even final! I’m just pleased as punch to see so much excitement about a CSS feature and wanted to bottle some it up. Chris also just to happened to be collecting a pile of links on the topic, so here’s a roundup of everything that’s crossed our desks.

Container Queries Explainer & Proposal

Miriam’s article is an excellent starting point to kick things off. This is sort of like the elevator pitch that introduces the idea while providing a bunch of examples and resources that are worth checking out.

Container Queries: a Quick Start Guide

David Herron jumps right into the concept over on the Oddbird blog, which is fitting since that’s where Miriam Suzanne works as well. This is a great introduction to container queries that gets into the syntax with an example that looks at a card component.

A Primer on CSS Container Queries

Stephanie Eckles goes super deep into container queries over on Smashing Magazine. I love that the article starts off by stating what container queries solves before jumping into the syntax and how-to.

Container Queries are actually coming

Andy Bell has wanted container queries as long as anyone. He wasted no time jumping into them with a card example of his own. And hey, he can finally retire his sticker.

Say Hello To Container Queries

I always appreciate both the way Ahmed Shadeed explains things in the simplest possible terms, and that his demos go beyond common examples and into interesting use cases.

CSS Container Queries: A First Look + Demo

OK, this is cheating since Bramus published this at the end of March. But it was really after this post when I started seeing others pour in.

Next Gen CSS: @container

Yes, CSS-Tricks added to the chatter as well! Una Kravets has what might be my favorite demo of container queries so far: a calendar that adjusts everything from font sizes to layout

Container Queries in Web Components

Max Böck does what I love best: take two ideas and smash ’em together! He made a stellar demo of a web component for displaying books and integrates @container.

Component-level art direction with CSS Container Queries

Sara Soueidan shows how container queries can be used to art direct images, including gotchas that come with using the <picture> element with @container.

Quite a bit, right? Before we sign off, Chris has a challenge for all of us he wanted to share:

A common refrain, from me included, has been that if we had container queries we’d use them for the vast majority of what we use media queries for today. The challenge is: look through your CSS codebase now with fresh eyes knowing how the @container queries currently work. Does that refrain hold up? Which media queries will you replace (once we reasonably can) and which ones have to remain? Blog that.


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