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Create a backup of SolusIO on management node

Create a backup of SolusIO on management node

Create a backup of SolusIO on management node like a pro.

At Bobcares, we have solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Service.

Let’s take a look at how our Support Team recently helped out a customer create a SolusIO backup.

How to create a backup of SolusIO on the management node

SolusIO can be described as a virtual infrastructure management solution that clears the way for VPS and Cloud management for ISPs as well as enterprises. Furthermore, here are a few benefits offered by SolusIO:

  • Set up configuration via cloud-init and deployment tools.
  • Manage virtual machines via one central point.
  • Deploy as well as speed up projects.
  • Scale-up infrastructure with simple and intuitive API.

Unfortunately, the feature to create a backup on the management node is not yet underway. However, our Support Techs have come up with a workaround as seen below:

  1. First, we will stop solus docket stack in order to avoid incomplete transactions from occurring in the SolusIO database.
    # docker stack rm solus
  2. Next, we have to create an archive of the following files and directories:

    For instance:

    # tar zcf /root/solus_backup.tar.gz /usr/local/solus/{certs,config,misc/license,postgresql}
  3. After that, we will start solus docker stack with this command:
    # docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c /usr/local/solus/config/stack.yml solus

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To summarize, the skilled Support Engineers at Bobcares demonstrated how to create a backup of SolusIO on the management node with a workaround solution.


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