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Error Creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key

Error Creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key

Error Creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key & how to resolve them by the top experts in the industry.

At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Service.

Let’s take a look at how our Support Team recently helped out a customer with an error creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key.

How to resolve the error creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key

Have you been running into an error while creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key and have no clue how to resolve it? Well, our Support Engineers have put together this short guide to help you out.

error creating HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI Key





They have come up with two easy solutions for this specific error.

Reinstall OpenVPN

First, we have to delete the key files manually as well. We can get this done by heading to the Start Menu and clicking Run. Here, we will enter regedit in the popup box.

Then browse for HKEY LOCAL MACHINE and open the software tab to locate OpenVPN. Once we locate it, we have to delete all the OpenVPN-GUI keys. If OpenVPN is open in the background, it will prevent us from deleting the keys, so make sure it is not running beforehand.

After deleting the keys, we can easily uninstall OpenVPN from the device and install the latest version from the official website. If this troubleshooting tip does not do the trick, take a look at the next option offered by our Support Team.

Run OpenVPN as Administrator

If we are downloading the GUI keys without admin privileges, we are very likely to run into trouble with creating the HKLM Software OpenVPN-GUI key. In fact, this prevents us from overriding existing files or even adding new ones to the registry editor.

In this scenario, our Support Engineers recommend locating the OpenVPN GUI Installer and right-clicking it. Then we have to select Run as administrator. This allows us to run the application in admin mode, thereby allowing us to modify or add keys to the registry.

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At the end of the day, our skilled Support Engineers at Bobcares demonstrated how to deal with the error creating an OpenVPN-GUI Key.


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