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phoenixnap US server Down | Web Hosting Talk

phoenixnap US server Down | Web Hosting Talk

Quote Originally Posted by net
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I don’t think they will just remove the drives without sending you an abuse email.

Regardless, we can’t help you but them only. I hope you have your own remote backup.

yes i have weekly backup and fortunately i can restore it.. even not in the last stage ..but at least i have the backup..

normally any abuse they send an email to me..and i always cooperate and solved the issue so far..
but in this case they suddenly pull my drive without any prior notice at all..


here is the complete story:
1. suddenly my server is down..
i check ipmi/bmc and seems not working.. then i contact their support NOC and ipmi is working right now.. i saw error during booting (seems the server is restarting). the error is about cant load the booting disk or something like that..
2. NOC support checking the hardware and said no issue at all with the hardware. they suspect the issue because harddisk failure . (we use raid 1 for sure to protect the disk failure)
3. NOC support said again after more investigation, no partition found in all my drives..
4. i asked to mount the ubuntu/centos live CD and see the result.. and yes i cant mount those all drives.
5. i asked to mount centos 7 ISO and see the existing installation still present on it or not..
can u see in the screenshot above, seems all drives contain all my data (they have not pull all drives)
6. i asked do u have any new disk to replace existing one? i suspend that the issue probably due to disk bad sector and it makes brake the raid configuration. (never face this situation before)
7. NOC support asked the confirmation do i need to replace or not the all disk drive.
8. suddenly i have another idea and want to investigate more deep why cant boot into that linux partition. i asked to keep the existing 4 disks to the server and mount centos 7 iso
9. UNFORTUNATELLY the said i have got issue with host porn child. what?? quite shock because there is no prior information, warning or whatever.. suddently NOC staff “Aaron Keller” said like my screenshot below:
10. i asked the detail which ip and domain that involved the porn child.. and they cant give more detail answer..

it is like u want to replace all the disks or not.. if they already perform replace all disks, and they seems to be reluctant to move back to existing one and simply said porn child without any valid evidence …

really upset with proenixNAP.. anyone has similar experience?


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